To the Stoughton Community,

As part of our ongoing review of the deeply troubling pattern of events regarding the life and death of Sandra Birchmore we have been engaged with counsel as the family of Sandra is suing the Town of Stoughton.

Sandra’s family has hired a pathologist who has issued a report as part of preparation for the civil lawsuit. We have received and reviewed the report and are aware that the Boston Globe and other news media may have received the report as well. My statement in response to the report is below. The Stoughton Police Department is committed to transparency in this matter and we will continue to provide updates as they become available.

As chief of the Stoughton Police Department, I have directly participated in this lengthy and aggressive internal affairs investigation. In September of 2022, I released an executive summary which revealed for the first time, the horrific injustices including grooming and sexual abuse inflicted upon Sandra Birchmore at the hands of one rogue and corrupt former police officer and additional inappropriate sexual relationships by other former police officers. It has been my stated mission, guided by both my understanding of the policies and procedures of the Stoughton Police Department and my own moral compass, that this process must be as transparent as possible and that we follow every lead and shine light on all aspects of this horrific chapter in our history, no matter what.

I need to be clear that our police department has no jurisdiction over the investigation of Sandra’s death, which occurred in a different community. However, I will reiterate that the Stoughton Police Department has assisted and continues to cooperate with other law enforcement agencies. Sandra received not so much as a sliver of justice during her life, and we will not cease in our efforts to ensure our duty to administer justice, and she is not forgotten in the aftermath of her death.

As part of our ongoing work with other agencies, I have uncovered relevant investigatory information over the course of both the Stoughton Police Department’s internal affairs investigation and in our mandatory preparation for the pending lawsuit filed by Sandra’s family. We have and continue to turn over all information to the appropriate agency or agencies.

However, as a police administrator and investigator with decades of experience, I would be remiss if I did not remark that I have reviewed the findings of the outside doctor retained by Sandra’s family. I was profoundly disturbed and troubled by what I read. While I am not a trained medical examiner, and I am not qualified to draw any direct conclusions, the findings certainly warrant further examination at the highest level. As always, we will continue to assist with any effort to ensure that truth and justice prevail.

Every good and decent police officer should be aware of and angry about the injustices inflicted upon Sandra Birchmore. Sandra idolized police officers and what policing stood for in America, and she was victimized as a result.

The only mantra of good cops must be: Never again, and never, ever on my watch.
